Do you have properties that have been affected by Superstorm Sandy? In addition to widespread power outages, there's a good chance your residents' telecommunications services have been impacted, as well.
Multichannel News has a full rundown on what the cable operators and telephone companies are doing to restore service.
Here's what a few service providers are doing to deal with the effects of the storm:
Cablevision Systems said it was experiencing “widespread service interruptions, primarily related to the loss of power.” The company is providing updates for customers at
Time Warner Cable was not reporting any “significant impact,” although anyone without power obviously doesn't have cable service, either. TWC is providing more info to their customers at
Verizon said its switching centers in Manhattan were “severely affected,” and they've also reported that central offices in Queens and Long Island have flooded. Customers served by those COs have lost all services including FiOS, high-speed Internet and phone services. Verizon customers can get updates at
Like Time Warner, Comcast reported that most customer issues for customers are "directly related to commercial power outages, and for the majority of people, their Comcast service should be restored as power comes back on to their homes." At least temporarily, Comcast is also opening its Wi-Fi hotspots along the East Coast for anyone to use for no additional charge.
If you have residents in the affected areas, you may want to pass this info along to them.
What else are you seeing? Are the service providers effectively communicating with you and your residents to let you know when services will be restored?