According to statistics put forth by MC Marketing Charts, college students own, on average, seven tech devices. Nine out of ten say they use their wireless devices while watching TV, almost half of which say they do so daily. The way that people use their televisions, computers, and phones is changing. This is especially true for college students, and even more so for students living in multi-family housing. In today’s world, entertainment, learning, collaboration, communication, and organization can all happen through wireless devices. These devices all require the internet, and students want their internet to be wireless.
College students living in today’s world have grown up experiencing the extraordinarily fast paced technology evolution that has now become mainstream. So, they see technology as a tool to be used, and they expect it to work. Having a dependable Wi-Fi connection throughout a residence is crucial.
From laptops and tablets to cell phones and iPods, today’s students are connected in virtually every way. Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites like LinkedIn, Google+ and Pinterest keep them in touch, and almost all of those sites are accessible on wireless devices. So, it would not be uncommon for one student to be checking Instagram on his or her smart phone, doing research on the internet, Facebook chatting with a friend and streaming Spotify on a laptop or iPad all at the same time.
In addition, people are changing the way they watch television. According to Statistic Brain, there are 29.2 million Netflix subscribers, and 2 billion hours have been logged streaming Netflix over high speed internet connections. Students especially love Netflix. This creates another demand for a wireless network to be available. It is feasible in a student housing scenario to expect any one of the occupants renting the unit to be streaming video in the living room while the other roommates are streaming video on their laptops.
The bottom line is that students want dependable Wi-Fi, and in multi-family student housing, the Wi-Fi needs are multiplied. Imagine if a five story building with 100 beds per floor was at 100% occupancy, and every student was streaming video on their laptop while surfing the web on their iPad at the same time. That would add up to be 1,000 wireless devices pulling from the available Wi-Fi network simultaneously. Engineering the network to be able to handle the demands of the residents for today and also tomorrow is where InfiniSys comes in.
Students have a lot to do, and they use their wireless devices to get it done. The engineers and designers at InfiniSys are diligent in designing each property to be technologically functional. Wi-Fi is a big part of that because students consider it to be more of a necessity than a luxury, and having it means that more students will be interested in renting. Every property owner wants to have 100% occupancy of their buildings, and InfiniSys has the expertise, foresight, and reputation to design the technology systems that the potential residents want. That’s what they do best, now and in the future.