First, I'd like to thank each of you for your continued interest in this site. I certainly don't dedicate enough time to it, but I try to make sure that information still gets out. In addition to the main blog, I also post information on Twitter and Delicious -- both feeds are available in the columns on the right side of the page.
Our LinkedIn group is close to 300 members, even thought I've done very little to promote it. This brings me to the good news! LinkedIn has finally improved their group functionality -- now, discussions and communication within the group is possible. I understand that there are more improvements ahead as well. (For one, they just announced an interesting partnership with CNBC.)
Additionally, we also have established a group page on Facebook -- it's also off to a good start. Here are the links to the group pages:
LinkedIn group page:
Facebook group page:
I invite you to join us on either or both of these sites. If you get something out of it, share it with a friend or colleague. I look forward to your input and ideas.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Expanding Our Reach
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